Santa Cruz Shredder, the Cali based company is originally known for their high-end grinders. At the end of 2013, they lunged into the titanium game by coming out with their first nail called the OMNI . After building up quite a following due to the nail's unprecidented heat retention, unresrticted smooth air, and innovative cup design, S.C.S. has since expanded on their line coming out with: OMNI Mini, 10/14mm, and now the Low-Pro and RT.
The new Low-Pro fits 14mm and 18mm joints and comes in two different types: Male or Female. It's going to give you the same massive cup that's featured on the original OMNI that is still regarded as one of the best domeless nails on the market today. The new Low-Pro isn't universal (fits both male and female joints) like the original OMNI, but the best part about the Low-Pro is that it's about 40% cheaper than the original. If you can live without having a nail that fits both joint genders, the new Low-Pro is a great choice.
Good things do come in small packages. The OMNI RT fits 10mm and 14mm male (direct inject) joints. The RT solves the problem of 10mm nails not being big enough for slabs. The head on the RT is actually the same size in diamater to the original OMNI and Low-Pro. This nail arguably handles dabs, slabs, and dunks better than any other 10mm titanium nail on the market today. A nice thing about this one is that the cup can unscrew off for hassle free cleaning.
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Titanium Mike